the chocolate effect™is an Experience. It is a journey inward to help transform adversity into happiness through compassion. the chocolate effect™ Experiences bring about a shift in perspective of how we witness life. Like Wayne Dyer, the famous coach, author and motivational speaker, said, "Once you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." We accomplish this in ways that are not only deeply thought-provoking, insightful, creative and fun but are also anchored in evidence-based Positive Psychology and the science of well-being. Science and spirituality merge seamlessly in all the chocolate effect™ Experiences to acknowledge the importance of addressing the mind, the body and the soul.
All profits from The Chocolate Effect Experiences will be used for the two projects highlighted here.

the chocolate effect™: stress, laughter & the pursuit of happyness is a fun-filled workshop that is packed with positive interventions and tools that are scientifically proven to not only improve our sense of self and well-being, but also enhance our focus and productivity in personal and professional life.
It is a feel-good journey of the mind, body and soul. It's where gratitude touches the soul and compassion soothes the mind. It's a conversation laced with laughter that helps one shift the perspective on the daily stressors of life.
Once the lens of how we look at life begins to shift, a new realization starts to take root. While we may not be able to control life's events and the stressors that are thrown our way, we can control how we process them. This secret recipe is thousands of years old and only recently has been scientifically tested for its efficacy. The results will surprise you pleasantly even as you laugh and cry with joyful emotion.

Retreats are not vacations or breaks from the daily grind of life although some can certainly appear to be so. Retreats are an opportunity to de-clutter the mind, to reflect, recharge and reclaim our inner core. If done right, they mindfully rewire the brain to build fresh perspectives and capabilities to effectively handle the daily stressors of work and personal life.
Retreats offer us a chance to build our creative insights and critical thinking in ways that are engaging, insightful, and joyful. They provide opportunities for groups of people - strangers, colleagues, friends, and family - to connect, to actively listen, to understand, and to bond in durable new ways.
the chocolate effect™ Retreats are all that and more. They are filled with a wide range of evidence-based activities and interventions that help solve the chronic problem of disengagement across organizations, relationships, and individuals. We use core elements from the science of well-being in fun, creative and engaging ways with a singular goal in mind - flourishing. In short, they can be transformational.

A pilgrimage is generally understood as a journey to a sacred place of worship or of religious significance. While such a passage is certain to give moments of solace and serenity to some and may even create life-changing inspirations in others, we view pilgrimages differently.
the chocolate effect™ Pilgrimages are an inner journey into the depths of our soul, our consciousness, our higher self so we can recognize the interdependence of the collective consciousness. Just like we go to a school to learn, we also travel to places that move, inspire, exhilarate and sometimes overwhelm us. Locations are chosen for their spiritual significance and impact even if they may represent symbols of civilizations, religions or cultures. Our criteria in picking them is singular - can they catalyze and unleash our hidden reserves of creativity, authenticity, and unique character strengths.
Custom designed to appreciate the uniqueness of each site, all our pilgrimages are deeply moving experiences. In fact, if done twice, they can be radically different journeys because our inner voices are never the same.

For some, Workshops and Retreats are not personal or intimate enough. For few, they do not offer an opportunity to truly and deeply engage in conversations that are meaningful and even life-changing. And for yet others, large gatherings or new locations can be intimidating and can cause anxiety for a wide variety of reasons. For all such people, small group settings offer an opportunity to have an open dialogue and to explore their authentic depths.
the chocolate effect™ Conversations are the answer for all those who crave a deeper dive into specific issues affecting them. Focused on active listening, the facilitator encourages the expression of all emotions and feelings so that the real underlying issues can come to light.
Evidence-based science of positive psychology is used extensively to create awareness, exploration and application of character strengths in individualized ways. Attendees find the process to be safe, respectful and highly effective in discovering their inner strengths which, if nurtured regularly, have been proven to support well-being and happiness.
WHY hire arun as a facilitator
For a speaker to leave an indelible impression on the minds of their audience, he must be able to relate to them and connect with them at their level of emotional and intellectual sophistication. He must be able to place himself in their shoes and ask a simple a question - why are they taking time from their busy life to listen to a presentation, participate in a discussion, attend a workshop or a retreat? What are they trying to achieve? What's in it for them? Then, and only then, can a good speaker deliver content from the heart and not from the brain. It's this invisible emotional connection between the speaker and the audience that determines whether the time they spent together will create the desired result for both.
As a successful entrepreneur and manager in the service industry for the last 32 years, I have figured out the secret recipe to energize people and move them to action. I have developed a keen appreciation for what it takes to overcome obstacles and build resilience to stay focused on personal and professional goals. Like they say, there's nothing like the school of hard knocks! But the tool and techniques still have to be fun for them to be meaningful, enjoyable, sticky, and effective.
Contrary to popular opinion, a speaker's job is not to deliver content in a masterful fashion. That is a bare necessity. A speaker's role is use the content to masterfully to move people emotionally and intellectually to take action that enhances not only their personal well-being and but also that of the community to which they belong - be it a corporation, a charity, a school, a social enterprise, a place of worship, or a family. This is no small task - it's not a surprise, therefore, that many speakers receive high praise but fail to become memorable.
Public speaking has been a part of my life since my middle school years. It has continued to play a significant role in my personal and professional development as an entrepreneur. I have been a keynote speaker, a workshop leader, a teacher, a moderator, a designer of creative programs, and an avid learner in a variety of settings, both large and small. The programs that I have created, led and moderated have received some of the highest scores in audience surveys that have helped solidify my professional reputation as an engaging, credible, and an entertaining speaker. In short, I deliver results.
And now, I am combining life's experiences, evidence-based science and spirituality from my coursework at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Teachers College, Columbia University and the study program in Positive Psychology at UPenn. Business acumen, life experiences, and the psychological studies have placed me in a unique position to bring these one-of-a-kind and fully customizable Experiences to you. The goal of the chocolate effectâ„¢ Workshops, Retreats, Coaching and Conversations is singular - effective stress management using simple, fun and free interventions so we can become and remain happy, engaged and productive in both our personal and professional lives!
Here's what people are saying about the chocolate effect™ Experiences:
"I would recommend this to anyone in the leadership position...I think businesses should do this because I don't think they understand what their staff and what their leadership is going through and what they deal with regularly. And I don't think anyone of us has been really trained on how to do this...we don't even know how to deal with ourselves, let along deal with our staff...I left a lot less stressed and with a lot information on how to cope with what you deal with regularly and what's going on in your life..."
- Tony, CPA, Virginia Society of CPAs Professional Development Conference
"I don't know anybody who couldn't benefit from this session. He's a gifted speaker. He has heart for what he's doing. And he makes walk out feeling immediately more grateful, and more loving, and more compassionate. So, you can't beat that."
- Jan Fox, Coach and Consultant
"I attended the session today because I live a very stressful life and I am always looking for a way to find balance. And I feel like all the techniques that Arun discussed were really good about reminding me to just really stay grounded and it's really about the little things that I do."
- Lorna M, Virginia Society of CPAs Professional Development Conference
"I would love to do this in an extended format. I think a retreat on something like this would be something I would love to do. I could take so much away from this. And my daughter who is eighteen would love this...and learn the gratefulness and learn to appreciate the little things."
- Sara, Virginia Society of CPAs Professional Development Conference
"It was really fantastic. I wish this was a longer course. I think there was a lot of content that you get from it and cover it over a couple of days."
- Doug Palmer, CPA, GWSCPA Annual Non-Profit Symposium
"What was very inspiring to me was how open Arun was with his own story. I think it's so helpful, as painful as it is, to openly talk about these things and I just don't think they are talked about enough. We go out into the work force and the world and we are expected to project this strength...vulnerability is something I've been working on for a couple of years, so this topic kind of hit home...and it's refreshing to see it presented at a conference like this that is usually so dry and technical. I would recommend this to everyone. I think there are important lessons for everyone regardless of what your experiences are...the coping mechanisms that were discussed in there are invaluable."
- Deborah, Virginia Society of CPAs Professional Development Conference